Helping YOU Soar to New Heights!
Speech Therapy specializing in myofunctional disorders across the lifespan, infant/childhood feeding disorders, and motor speech disorders
Explore our services and let us know how we can help you!
What is Myofunctional Therapy?
Myofunctional Therapy is a specialty branch of medicine that assesses OMDs and treats or refers out for all areas of function. These include Respiration, Oral Habits, Sleep Habits, Dental History, Oral Structure and Function, Chewing and Swallowing / Feeding Skills. Registered Dental Hygienists and Speech-Language Pathologists currently play a large role in treatment of OMDs. Collaboration with other medical specialists is of utmost importance in the success of treatment of OMDs. Your medical team could include specialists such as: Allergist, Certified Orofacial Myologist, Dentist, Lactation Consultant, Oral Surgeon, Orthodontist, Otolaryngologist, Physician, Physical Therapist, Sleep Apnea Specialist, and Speech-Language Pathologist.
We are pleased to announce that we treat orofacial myofunctional disorders across the lifespan, from the wiggly toddler, to the coolest teen, to the professional adult.
Infant/Childhood Feeding Disorders
Treating feeding disorders is a specialized area in the broad field of speech therapy. It takes a vast amount of education and experience to adequately treat the complexities of infant and childhood feeding disorders. At Flight Speech Therapy, we are specially trained to assess and treat infant feeding issues such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, oral structural and functional deficits, prematurity, failure to thrive, cleft palate, craniofacial malformations, etc. We are also trained to assess and treat childhood feeding issues such as ARFID, FPIES, EE, developmental feeding continuum, sensory-based food avoidances, oral structural and functional deficits, cleft palate, craniofacial malformations, etc.
Motor Speech Disorders
Motor speech disorders can affect a child's overall intelligibility. This can range from a simple problem with the R sound to highly uninteligible connected speech. Some diagnoses that we are experienced in treating include: articulation delay/disorder, phonological disorder, childhood apraxia of speech, and dysarthria, among others. At Flight Speech Therapy, we take a unique approach to treating your child and make it our goal to help your child graduate out of therapy!